Circuit Analysis and Waveform Analysis Software
Free DOS Versions can be used under Windows
Works Perfectly with Windows 10 Using vDos

See Other Free Software Suggestions Below

Note: Telephone Number Has Now Been Updated in the Software!

1. Download the latest version of vDos from: vDos Download Site

2. Install in Suitable Directory e.g. Default   C:\vDos. (If you use a Different Directory then Change All Below to Match!)

3. Put CCTNET.EXE or FFTNET.EXE in separate directories of your choice, e.g. C:\vDos\CCTNET and C:\vDos\FFTNET

4. Make Two Text Files named "autoexec.txt" with first line "CCTNET" or "FFTNET" and second line EXIT and put in the relevant directory.

5. Make Two Shortcuts on your Desktop etc. with the following settings:
   Target: C:\vDos\vDos.exe "C:\vDos\CCTNET\CCTNET.EXE"  -  Start In: C:\vDos\CCTNET  -  Named: CCTNET
   Target: C:\vDos\vDos.exe "C:\vDos\FFTNET\FFTNET.EXE"    -  Start In: C:\vDos\FFTNET   -  Named: FFTNET

6. Unzip and Put Example Files Below in the Relevant Directories.


This self contained package allows entry of any circuit with built in text editor or can read files created by any other text editor. Circuits are entered by "nodes" which are the points where the different components connect. The first task is thus to annotate your circuit diagram with a different node number (must be consecutive starting from 1, with earth 0 or last node) for every connection between two or more components. Help pages within the program give details of how the entry must be formatted and the same help information is available in PDF form for download. There are also example files to help you learn the techniques.

This software has been virus checked using Norton AntiVirus with up to date virus definitions and compiled on a PC which has never been infected so we have done all we can to make sure it is safe to use but we always recommend the use of virus checking software on any PC for your own protection whenever using downloaded software. We also recommend that you keep backups of valuable data.

We suggest you place all executable, help , circuit, waveform, filter, window files in the same directory initially

To Download the Full Program CCTNET.EXE Click Here (113KB)

Help Files are included but also available in PDF CCTHELP.PDF

The following example circuits are in the ZIP file CCTXMPLS.ZIP

Simple RC Low Pass Filter
Opamp with Gain of 1
Opamp 4 Pole Low Pass Filter
75 Ohm Terminated Transmission Line


This self contained package allows entry of any circuit with built in text editor AND any waveform which can be specified using mathematical formulae or can read files created by any other text editor. Circuits are entered as above by "nodes" and this program uses the same circuit entry so will read the same files. The difference is that this program only offers linear frequency scaling but adds many other facilties. For example you can enter a waveform description and convert this to frequency and phase using Fast Fourier Analysis (FFT). This can be used purely as an analytical tool in itself or the resulting frequency and phase description of the waneform can be modified by the circuit to show how the circuit would affect the chosen waveform. This will be shown initially as frequency and phase again but can then be converted back into a true waveform. The results are fascinating and the analytical capability almost limitless! Help pages within the program give details of how the entry must be formatted and the same help information is available in PDF form for download. There are also example files to help you learn the techniques.

This software has been virus checked using Norton AntiVirus with up to date virus definitions and compiled on a PC which has never been infected so we have done all we can to make sure it is safe to use but we always recommend the use of virus checking software on any PC for your own protection whenever using downloaded software. We also recommend that you keep backups of valuable data.

We suggest you place all executable, help , circuit, waveform, filter, window files in the same directory initially

To Download the Full Program FFTNET.EXE Click Here (128KB)

Help Files are included but also available in PDF FFTHELP.PDF

Example circuits are in the same ZIP file as above CCTXMPLS.ZIP

Waveforms, filters and windows are in the ZIP file FFTXMPLS.ZIP:

Simple Sine Wave
Simple Square Wave
Simple Noise Waveform
Luminance Pulses
Chrominance Pulses
Lum + Chrom Pulses
Video Pulse & Bar
Low Pass Filter Function
Low Pass Filter Function
Hanning Window Function HANNING.WIN


1. Microsoft "Print To PDF" Superior Replacement

Following a Clean Re-Install of Windows 10 I found the Microsoft Print To PDF created zero size files and none of the recommended solutions worked so I researched alternatives and found a superb free solution which gives better quality, more flexibility, and generally smaller files!

Microsoft Print to PDF embeds the complete font sets used which is not needed unless you want to edit the PDF later. This increases file size significantly if there are several fonts so is not very efficient. The Free Bullzip PDF Writer just embeds the subset of characters actually needed.

Microsoft Print to PDF uses heavy Jpeg compression with reduced image quality but no adjustment is possible. This CAN be adjusted for Bullzip. Both use 300dpi for images. Microsoft uses 600dpi for text. By default Bullzip uses 300dpi but this can be changed as explained below.

1. (Optional) Download AGPL Ghostscript V9.53.3 From ArtifexSoftware selecting your appropriate version e.g. gs9533w32.exe or gs9533w64.exe and Install It.

2. Use Windows Search for "Edit environment variables for your account". Create a New Environment Variable: GS_FONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts.
    (Recommended to ensure Ghostscript finds all your fonts though I did find that with the printer settings detailed below this didn't seem needed.)

3. Download Community Bullzip PDF Writer From Bullzip - Download PDF Printer (NOT Ghostscript Lite if you installed Full Ghostscript.)

4. Install Bullzip Free PDF Writer but say "NO" to downloading "gslite" (Ghostscript Lite) if you installed the Full Ghostscript V9.53.3 (Later Versions Don't Work).
    NOTE: If you are using the Full Ghostscript and install "gslite" by mistake this can be easily uninstalled:
    Navigate to C:\Program Files\Bullzip\PDF Printer\gs and double click on Uninstall.exe (or similar .exe).

5. Open "All Settings"/"Devices"/"Printers & Scanners" and Click on "Bullzip PDF Printer".
    Select "Manage", Select "Printer Properties", Select "Advanced" Tab, Select "Printing Defaults..", Select "Advanced...",
    Set "Paper Size:" as you wish from drop-down menu (I use A4)
    Set Graphic "Print Quality:" to 600dpi from drop-down menu. This matches Microsoft Print to PDF. THIS IS CRITICAL FOR CLEAR TEXT.
    Set Graphic "TrueType Font:" to Download as Softfont from drop-down menu. (This is the Default)
    Click the Box at the bottom to Open "Postscript Options"
    Set "Postscript Output Option:" to Optimise for Portability. The Default is "Optimise for Speed".
    Set "TrueType Font Download Option:" to Native TrueType. The Default "Automatic" may be OK.
    Close Down by Clicking "OK" several times. There is also one "Apply" which I clicked as well!

6. Create a text file, e.g. using Notepad, called "settings.ini" as detailed below (Use Copy and Paste etc):
    Place this "settings.ini" file in directory "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\PDF Writer\Bullzip PDF Printer\" with the existing "user.ini"
    NOTE: This directory is ONLY created after the first run of the Bullzip PDF Printer, or you can create it yourself.

[PDF Printer]

Line 1 is the required Header.
Line 2 will Prevent every file from immediately being displayed. Otherwise Change "no" to "yes" or leave this line out (default).
Line 3 will Prevent File Explorer opening folder and showing the file created. Change to "yes" if preferred.
Line 4 will Force the Best Jpeg "prepress" Compression quality - Better than Microsoft Print to PDF. Both give 300dpi graphics.
    "default" seems to give similar results. "printer" halves the size of graphics files with higher compression.
    "screen" reduces graphics files to one quarter. "ebook" is the worst quality at 150dpi and the smallest file.
Line 5 will Force the printer to Remember the Last Folder Name - The Same as the Microsoft Print to PDF.
Details of all options (some unavailable in free version): Bullzip PDF Writer Settings

Finally, if you would like more functionality you can buy the Standard, Professional or Expert versions Purchase From biopdf.

2. The Best Free PDF Split And Merge Software

To complement the Free PDF Printer Software above I searched for PDF Split and Merge software and after trying a few found the Open Source PDFsam Basic was the best:

Simply Select Download PDFsam Basic and Install it.

You can easily remove the paid for Premium Features etc in the Settings Menu (Click Top Right Horizontal Lines and select "Settings").

3. The Best Free Multimedia Player and Blu-Ray Disc Player

We all know Microsoft Media Player is limited. A web search will soon find the Free Videolan VLC Player. This has an almost unlimited range of features.

What is not immediately obvious is that it can be configured to play most Blu-Ray discs. The steps are below:

First Download Videolan VLC Player and Install it.

Next Download 2020-07-26_libaacs_libbdplus.7z. (Simply Locate Link To "2020-07-26_libaacs_libbdplus.7z", or Later, and Download).

Open with Free 7zip and Select appropriate "win32" or "win64" directory. Put All 5 Files in "C:\Program Files\Videolan\VLC" directory.

Then Download KEYDB.CFG and Unzip. Create New Directory "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\aacs". Put KEYDB.CFG here.

No Other Files are needed to play normal Blu-Ray Discs. Now Play Your Blu-Rays!

4. The Best Free Graphical User Interface for FFmpeg

Relatively easy to find if you know its name but this Free software has developed significantly over recent months and is now very versatile and stable so well worth recommending.

Download Here Clever FFmpeg GUI

5. The Best Free DVD & Blu-Ray Disc Creation Tool

Wanting a way to create DVDs and Blu-Rays for downloaded or previously created files without re-compression I finally chanced on this excellent software.

This is so comprehensive and versatile and can either use existing encoded files or re-encode as you wish. It also has a variety of menu options and you can add your own poster images and backgrounds.

If you would like any help please email me as I have now used this extensively - there are too many options to explain all!

Download Here multiAVCHD 4.1.771

Software Replacement for Favourite ACE Functions

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Email to: Telephone: 01692 402501 International Tel: +44 1692 402501

Keywords: free, software, circuit analysis, network analysis, waveform analysis, circuit, waveform, FTT, fast fourier transform, vDos, Microsoft, Print to PDF, PDF, Printer, Bullzip, Ghostscript, PDFsam, Split, Merge, Videolan, VLC, Blu-Ray, Media Player, FFmpeg.